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Le tout ensemble
Lorsque j’étais étudiant d’art à Florence, le maître d’atelier Charles Cecil avait tendance à bien insister sur certains aspects de notre...
Unity Of Effect
“Go for the tout ensemble!” At art school, my teacher, Charles Cecil was keen to drum into his students certain aspects of our training...
Travail de copiste
Il y a quelques semaines, je suis allé à une exposition de portraits dessinés français au British Museum. On pouvait y trouver des œuvres...
A few weeks ago, I went to an exhibition of French portrait drawings at the British Museum. Among them were a few drawings by François...
Painting a Nude
A few weeks ago, I painted a nude. I do not paint or draw the figure much as pictures of nudes are difficult to sell and can be quite...
Peindre un nu féminin
Il y a quelques semaines, j’ai peint un nu féminin. C’est une chose rare avec moi, car les tableaux de nu se vendent avec difficulté et...
Self Portrait
(Originally posted on December 17, 2016 by) Left is a recent self portrait. There are pros and cons to painting self-portraits: Pros: The...
Ci-dessus un autoportrait que j’ai terminé récemment. Il y a des avantages et des inconvénients quand on peint un autoportrait: Côté...
Recent Still Lifes
When we have no model in the studio my students and I paint still lifes. I tell them to bring objects they find beautiful, inspiring or...
Artistic Influences
The greatest influence on my work has come from Charles Cecil whose school in Florence I attended. Charles would often talk about his...
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